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Ileus Ileus: temporary stop for small intestine psedo-obstruction is the functional obstruction in large bowels and which is different for ileus and less common. Causes of ileus: Things that make the bowel unhappy. - injury - handing during surgery - electorolyte imbalances ( hypokalemia, hyponatremia ) - accumulation of food in bowel: causing a bowel distension => venus compression => decrease oxygen.. 더보기
CRRT + ECMO + Chest Tube CRRT ( Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy) Describe the functions of the kidneys using the mnemonic: A WET BED: A: acid/base balance W: water balance regulation E: erythropoiesis T: toxin removal B: blood pressure regulation E: electrolyte balance D: vitamin D activation Do you have experience with CRRT? What is CRRT? CRRT stands for continuous renal replacement therapy and it is a non-stop, 2.. 더보기
ETT Intubation What advanced airway adjuncts have you used in your nursing experience? I have an experience of using an endotracheal tube in my unit. What are the indications of ETT insertion? ETT allows us to control patients' airways. It ensures an open airway, control ventilation and oxygenation. Also it protects from aspiration. It can be used in respiratory failure, decreased mental status (GCS less than .. 더보기
사우디 간호사 면접 준비 _1탄 1. 5 steps of nursing process: - Assessment: physiological, psychological, sociocultural, sprititual, economic, and life style factors. - Diagnosis: nurse's clinical judgement about client's response. - Planning: set measurable and achievable short-and long- ragne goals - Implementation: continuity of care - Evaluation: patient's status and the effectiveness of the nursing care must be continuos.. 더보기
Stroke Code Complete the Definition: Stroke: Loss of blood flow to part of the brain, wish damaging brain tissue. TIA: transient ischemic attack wish is a mini stroke that can be reversible. Neglect Syndrome: malfunction of one hemisphere of the brain/ can't see the opposite side. Aphasia(Dysphasia): impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and reading. Receptive: unable t.. 더보기
PCA Stroke: 후두엽 (Visual Cortex) PCA stroke 혈관은 - 중뇌(midbrain) 주변 주요 혈액 공급원으로 위치되어 있다. - 측두염의 아래쪽 - 후두엽 후두엽: visual cortex - 시각을 담당: 시야에서 물체의 모양, 크기, 및 위치 등을 식별 - 일차시각피질(primary visual cortex)는 후두엽에 존대 Left PCA Infarction - Right homonymous hemianopia - Corpus callosum까지 확장된 경색시 Alexia 유발(agraphia없이) - 경색부위가 시상을 포함할 정도로 큰 경우에는 aphasia, 오른쪽 반신 마비, 반신 감각 상실이 나타날수 있음 (Hemiparesis, hemisensory loss) - Right homonymous hemianopia (오.. 더보기
뇌신경 (Cranial nerve): 안면신경 (Facial Nerve) Cranial Nerve Introduction 12 쌍의 뇌신경 존재 각 신경은 로마자로 표기, 각각의 이름 존재 크게 기능에 따라 세가지로 나뉨 Afferent: arriving information (정보가 도착하는, 즉 감강정보를 말함) Efferent: exiting information (정보가 나가는, 즉 운동정보를 말함) 뇌는 여러가지 감각 정보를 "받고: 감각 정보, afferent," 알맞는 운동정보를 모든 기관에 (내장기관, 골격근기관)에 "보내도록: 운동정보, efferent,"하는 요소로 구성되어 있다고 볼수 있다. 순수하게 감각만 담당하는 신경: olfactory nerve (후각), optic nerve(시각), vestibuloccochlear nerve(청각) 순수하게 운동.. 더보기
ACLS Algorithm What do you understand about high-quality CPR? What are the criterias? High quality CPR is the primary component to surviving a patient's life. High-quality CPR performance metrics include: Chest compression 30 times and 2 times breaths Compression rate of 100-120/min Compression depth of at least 2 inches in adults and at least 1/3 the AP dimension of the chest in infants and children No excess.. 더보기