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간호사 공부 모음


Ileus:  temporary stop for small intestine

psedo-obstruction is the functional obstruction in large bowels and which is different for ileus and less common. 

Causes of ileus:  Things that make the bowel unhappy.

- injury

- handing during surgery

- electorolyte imbalances ( hypokalemia, hyponatremia )

- accumulation of food in bowel: causing a bowel distension => venus compression => decrease oxygenation => decrease in peristalsis


Signs and symptoms

- vomiting (green bilious vomiting)

- abdominal distention

- diffuse abdominal pain

- absolute constipation

- lack of flatuence

- absent bowel sounds

Types of Obstruction

Mechanical Obstruction


adhesion tumors intusussception hernia volvulous
- most common cause of mechanical obstruction is post operative adheson
- adhesion are fibrous billes btw bowel segment.
- cause extrinsic compensatio of the bowel. 
- colorectal cancer is a common and lethal disease.
- risk factors include age, family, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and certain diets. 
- self-explanatory tumor can grow so large that can cause an obstruction. 
- rare in adults. 
- 1~5% of mechanical bowel obstruction is a result of intussusception. 
- common site of intussusception is the ileocecal valve. 
- defined as a protrusion bulge or projection of an organ or a part of an organ through the body wall that normally contains  it. 
- hernia can be internal  or external
- twisting of a segments of the intestine around a fixed point. 
- common sites of volvulus include the cecum and sigmoid. 
- small bowel adhesion can lead to a volvulus.

Psedo Obstruction

psedo obstruction is the psedo false obsstruction. 

Myopathy / Neuropathy Hirschsprung disease
Myopathy => no movoment peristaltic contraction => obstruction
Neuropathy => no innervation of the smouth muscles => abnormal movement => obstruction
- congenial condition
- nerves are missing at the distal end of the colon => no/abnormal peritalsis => bowl obstruction


- treat the underlying cuase

- supportive care

  • nil by mouth (NPO)/ sips of water
  • NG tube (removal of residual things in small bowl and gas)
  • IV fluids (dehytratjion/ electrolyte imbalances)

- mobilisaton

- Total Parental Nurition (TPN)

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