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간호사 공부 모음

사우디 간호사 면접 준비 _1탄

1. 5 steps of nursing process: 

- Assessment: physiological, psychological, sociocultural, sprititual, economic, and life style factors. 

- Diagnosis:  nurse's clinical judgement about client's response. 

- Planning: set measurable and achievable short-and long- ragne goals 

- Implementation:  continuity of care

- Evaluation: patient's status and the effectiveness of the nursing care must be continuosly evaluated and the care plan                         modified as needed. 

2. Sepsis patients: prevention of infection

- know warning sign of sepsis. 

-  hand hygien and clear environment. 

- appropriated antibiotics


3. Prevention of pressure ulcer

- position change for every 2 hours

- dressing

- air mattress

- check skin status


4. V. fib:  first nursing action?

-  chest compression and call for help. (code blue, emergency cart)

- be ready to defibrillator and follow ACLS protocal. 

V. fib (ventricular fibrillation): Heart rhytm that originates from the ventricles. 
Ventricles help squeeze blood out of heart and maintain cardiac output. 

The electrical conduction system is sending out an abnormal electrical signal that is causing the ventricles to quiver. 

ventricles are not squeezing blood from the heart effectively. 
Cardiac output will fall. ==> This rhytm can lead to death within minutes. 

Cause of V. fib
- Heart disease/ heart attack
- Electrolyte imbalances (high/low potassium levles)
- Hypoxia
- Drug overdose

Treatment of V. fib
- patient will have no pulse & unresponsive
- call code or activate the emergency response system (crash cart, defibrillator)
- start CPR: follow ACLS protocal. 

V. fib ACLS protocal

5. difference btw ECMO and a mechanical ventilator?

- While ventilator help pts to breath by giving air to the lungs but ECMO exchange gas by blood. 

- ECMO (Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation): work in cardiorespiratory system. 

( A ventilator moves air in and out of the lungs when a patient is unable to get enough oxygen on their own. An ECMO machine circulates blood through a machine to remove carbon dioxide and add oxygen.)


6. What is invasive hemodynamic monotoring?

Invasive hemodynamic monitoring (IHM) measures blood volume and pressure as it moves through your heart into the bloodstream. IHM shows us how well your heart functions. We often use IHM to monitor heart function when you have severe, long-term (chronic) heart failure.


7. how do you zero the arterial transducer?  where do you level the transducer? tell me about exact location.

Arterial Line: A line
- intra-arterial line is used to take continuous blood pressure readings and also clled intra-arterial presure monitoring. 
- COMMON SITES OF A-LINE:  Radial, Brachial, Femoral

8. effective communication: ISBAR

I: introducion (who you are, your role, where you are and why you are communicating?)

S: situation (What is happening at the moment?)

B: background (what are the issues that led up to this situation?)

A: assessment (what do you believe the problem is?)

R: recommendation (what should be done to correct this situation?)

9. patient who had hypotenton history, recomendation when reporting to the physician

- notify pts conditon if they have any trauma(bleeing), vomiting, diarrhea, or fluid overall. 

- can figure out what is the cause of Hypotension

Hypotention (low blood pressure)
Cause of Hypotension
- fast heartbeat or slow heartbeat
- heart attack
- valve problems
- bleeding/ not enough fluid was takedn or diarrhea/ vomiting
- pulmonary embolism (bloodclot in lung)
- neurologic condition (autonomic neuron doesn't work well)
- severe allergic reaction


10. what happen if TPN run too fast?

- fluid overload

- IV-site pain/ 



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