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간호사 공부 모음

Central lines + CLABSI Bundle

Define Central Venous Pressure (CVP)

  • CVP is the blood pressure in the vena cava, near the right atrium of the heart. 

Explain the indications for CVC placement

  • administer intravenous fluids and blood products
  • administer medications
  • administer hypertonic solution (TPN) (chemotherapy)
  • blood sampling
  • monitor CVP

What are the common CVC insertion sites?

  • jugular vein/ subclavian vein
  • brachial, cephalic, basili vein
  • femoral vein

What are some complications associated with CVCs?

  • subcutaneous emphysema
  • air embolism
  • hematoma
  • infection, thrombosis
  • pneumothorax
  • bleeding

What is the normal CVP range in adults and pediatrics?

  • 5~10cm H2O,  

Describe factors that can increase and decrease the CVP?

  • increase: decreased cardiac output, increased blood volume, venous constriction, arterial dilatation
  • decrease: hypovolemia, decreased venous return, excessive veno or vasodilation, shock

How will you interpret CVP waveforms? (Describe the 5 waves)

What is CLABSI- what does it stand for? Explain how you will prevent CLABSI in your unit. ( answer using the CLABSI Bundle)


CLABSI stands for central line associated bloodstream infection. 

Prevent CLABSI: 

  • hand hygiene
  • maintain 4 barrier techniques
  • skin antisepsis with chlorhexidine (every time when you inject medication)
  • avoiding femoral access
  • removal of needless CVC


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