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Turning Points of My life

Link speech contest in May 28, 2022.

Hi, eveyone. My name is Grace Shin. Today I will talk about turning points in my life. I think there are three turning points until now. Escaping North Korea, backpack travel in India, and working as a nurse.

By escaping the North, I have the right to visit any places that I want to. Of course that depends on how much money that I have or saved. However, living in North Korea it was not easy to go around in domestic areas becauses of no electricity and very uncomfortable transportation. Even to visit capital city, we needed a special document that allowed us to visit the capital city and it takes a lot of time. Normally, one month in my hometown. I never imagined that I could take an airplane. So escaping the North gave me the freedome to visit where I want.

The second turing point is my first backpacking trip in India. You now what, even though I had freedom of physical movement, my mind was still narrowed. As you all know, living in Seoul, We can face a lot of different cultural diversity. However, I never thought to try or experience a different culture. For example, If I see a Vietnamese, Cambodain, or Brazilian restaurant, I never thought to try their food. However, by traveling in India, I met a lot of people who came from different countries like England, Brazil, America, Columbia and more. After we finished exploring, we all came to dinning room and talked about what we did that day and what was most interesting. They were never afraid of trying new things and were more excited. From that trip I was able to open my mind and become unafraid of experiencing new things.

The last turning point is working as a nurse in a hospital. Becoming a real adult who doesn't depend on parents financially, was really tough. I learned that we can't saticefy all people. I can't be a good person all the time. However, when I first started to work, I wanted to be good to everyone, so I tried really hard. One day, one of the coworkers (Actually, I didn't like her because she blames me every time in every situation) came to me and asked to drink with her. I really didn't want to join, but I said yes, becuase as I said, I wanted to be a good person to all. The more I tried, the more I was exausted and losing myself. Two years of working experience taught me to be the person that you are. Now I can say no when I don't want to and it keeps me working long.

That was all of my story and I hope by joining this English session, it makes an imprint on my life.